Make the most of your time; I hate to state the obvious but it is as simple as that. It is fundamental to practice your «listening skills» outside class as…

What does it mean to own something? The truth is that we the human race are obsessed with owning things from little things in our childhood such as a toy,…

Conversación en Inglés: Speaking! Speaking! Speaking! La mejor manera de aprender inglés Aprender ingles en Valencia es más fácil ahora que, en Clases de inglés en Valencia, decidimos dedicar una…
As Annie Lennox and Aretha Franklin once sung “Teachers are doing it for themselves!” or wait a minute …….wasn’t it “Sisters are doing it for themselves!?” Yes that is it…….
A bank holiday is basically a day off. It is called a bank holiday, because traditionally when the banks closed you would wait until they opened again so as to…
I was nine years old, the first time I heard the voice of Leonard Cohen. My father had a cassette copy of 1988’s «I’m Your Man» in his car which…
Si tienes Skype… ya tienes tus clases de inglés online En Clases de Inglés en Valencia te ofrecemos un nuevo servicio: clases de inglés online. El curso va dirigido para aquellos alumnos…

No te comas el pronombre «it»! Uno de los fallos más comunes (y cuanto más común peor para tus resultados) para los Españoles es cuando se olvidan de incluir el…
Throughout the first 27 years of my life, shyness was a crippling factor across many aspects of my life; the two main ones being both my personal and professional life….