Conversation Skills or the Art of Conversation Students often ask what they can do outside class in order to continue practicing and improving. As a teacher and student myself, I…
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Conversation Skills or the Art of Conversation Students often ask what they can do outside class in order to continue practicing and improving. As a teacher and student myself, I…
While I was living in Barcelona, I was in a neighbourhood called «El Carmelo» which is on the hills of the city. I was very glad to discover that only…
Sabes como se dice rebozar en inglés? «to batter»… en esta clase especial aprenderemos todas las palabras relacionadas con la cocina y el comer de una forma totalmente única… cocinando!…
La mejor manera de aprender inglés es vivir los momentos. Por eso he creado este evento donde en lugar de hacer la clase en tu casa o la mía, nos…