«An Engliman’s house is his castle» is an old maxim which holds true to this day, along with the British «stiff upper lip» of always remaining stoic under pressure. Geographically,…
A failing government or city council tries hard to create a storm around identity politics such as being gay, being black, religiosity or women’s rights. In reality what we all…
We can all agree that family is important, especially if you come from a generous, loving, open minded family. Yet there is only one kind of love that can bring…
As a teenager my first job was a paper round at age 15, followed by weekends at a fish and chip shop and later at 16, I began full time…

Show me a beautiful man or woman and I will show you a man or woman who is bored of «trying» to make love to them. The reason I say…
As a heterosexual man, I am not qualified to write about first hand experience of being on the receiving end of homophobia. I can only try to «put myself in…

¿Por qué debería hacer un curso intensivo de inglés en Valencia? Realizar intensivos de inglés en Valencia es una opción cada vez más popular entre la gente joven que tiene…
The question should not be «Who doesn’t love a good party with friends and family?» The question should be …. «Who is going to clean up afterwards?» It is the…

Aprender inglés en Valencia es fácil si sabes cómo. Quien algo quiere ….. algo le cuesta y aprender inglés en Valencia no es diferente. Aquí en Clases de Inglés en…

La importancia de saber defenderse en una conversación en inglés. Hay que mojarse si quieres nadar. En todas nuestras clases, terminamos con una conversación o debate sobre un tema genérico,…